In the midst of golf outings, yardwork, trips to your favorite fishing hole or other vacations you might be taking this summer, hopefully your shop is also a destination for relaxing and unwinding. To that end, our new August issue offers plentiful content to keep you building, learning something new about the craft or planning that next big project for fall’s cooler weather!


Hybrid Workbench: A sturdy workbench is essential for precision part-making, assembly and finishing. Our senior editor designed his heavy-duty ash-and-MDF bench with both economy and practicality in mind.


Dog Stairs: Aging or height-challenged canines might appreciate a helpful lift up to the couch or bed. Here’s a project that promises to make those daily climbs a lot easier.

狗楼梯: 老年人或高度挑战的狗可能会喜欢一个有益的电梯到沙发或床。这里有一个项目,承诺使这些日常攀登容易得多。

Plant Stand: Cross-laps and Beadlock tenons combine to form a stylish walnut accent piece with Danish Modern influence.


Drill Bit Organizer: Organize that jumble of drill bits and other drill press accessories with this portable shop helper. Magnets ensure that the bit you’re using next will be close at hand and roll-proof.


Shop Talk: Stewart Coffin recalls a lifetime of turning complex geometry into intricate wooden puzzles.


Woodturning: Turn the pins for a rainy-day basement game that’s sure to entertain both the young and young-at-heart. It’s based on our expert’s antique original.


Skill Builder: Miters and bevels are the focus of our fourth installment of a six-part joinery series. They’re the elegant solution for hiding end grain. For some, they’re also a source of consternation during cutting and assembly.

技能建设者: 斜接和斜面是我们的六部分细木工系列第四部分的重点。它们是隐藏端部纹理的最佳解决方案。对一些人来说,它们也是切割和组装过程中惊愕的来源。

Power Tool Fundamentals: It’s hard to imagine shaping edging profiles, churning out duplicate part shapes or milling dovetails without the help of a router or router table. Our publisher discusses these cornerstone woodworking tools.

电动工具基本原理: 很难想象没有路由器或路由表的帮助下,塑造边缘轮廓,大量生产重复的零件形状或铣削燕尾榫。我们的出版商讨论这些基石木工工具。

Tool Preview: File, hole and burnish cabinet scrapers easier than ever before with a new all-in-one solution.

工具预览: 文件,孔和抛光橱柜刮刀比以往任何时候都更容易与一个新的一体化解决方案。

Hardworking Hardware: Rockler’s cross-dowel hardware forms rock-solid connections between legs and rails or stretchers. We employ this knock-down solution in our “Hybrid Workbench” project. It’s simple to install correctly, and this article will show you how.

坚固的硬件: 罗克勒的交叉榫钉硬件形成坚如磐石的连接之间的腿和轨道或担架。我们在“Hybrid Workbench”项目中采用了这种组合式解决方案。正确安装非常简单,本文将向您展示如何安装。