We woodworkers tend to spend a lot of time building square forms — drawer boxes, cabinet carcasses, door frames…you get the drift. That’s why every so often, it’s fun to break the routine. Two of our June projects — a Tansu-inspired Chest and a Mid-century Kidney Table — will give you a chance to do just that. You’ll find lots of other engaging content too, to help you make the most of your shop time this summer.
Tansu-inspired Chest: Tune up your box joint jig and get ready to rout or saw lots of pins and slots with this unique step-shaped storage chest.
坦苏启发胸部: 调整您的方块联合夹具,并准备好溃败或看到这个独特的阶梯形存储胸部大量的引脚和插槽。
Mid-century Kidney Table: Our publisher combines three shades of epoxy to pour the top for a curvy, retro classic coffee table. It stands on new Mid-century styled table legs from Rockler.
世纪中叶肾表: 我们的出版商结合三种色调的环氧树脂倒一个曲线,复古的经典咖啡桌顶部。它站在新的中世纪风格的桌腿从罗克勒。
Lathe Tool Sharpening Station: Roll a full collection of tools and your sharpening system right next to your lathe for the utmost in convenience with this practical shop project.
Three-tier Outdoor Planter: Char Miller-King shares a simple and attractive way to display your favorite outdoor plants to help beautify an outdoor living space.
Shop Talk: California luthier Josh Stotler builds a pair of stunning, commemorative guitars to honor the 50th anniversary of NASA’s Apollo Space Program.
Woodturning: Ernie Conover shows how to set up an 8-in. grinder with ONEWAY’s Wolverine Grinding Jig for quick, efficient lathe tool sharpening.
Skill Builder: Rabbets, dadoes and grooves are the focus of our third installment of a six-part joinery series. Learn how these workaday joints contribute to many project applications.
技能建设者: Rabbets,爸爸和凹槽是我们的六部分细木工系列第三部分的重点。了解这些普通接头如何为许多项目应用做出贡献。
Power Tool Fundamentals: Jointers and planers deliver the one-two punch of lumber surfacing. This article explains why you can’t have one without the other.
电动工具基础: 连接器和刨床提供一个两个冲床木材表面。这篇文章解释了为什么你不能有一个没有另一个。
Tool Preview: Triton unveils a new 3.25 hp fixed-base router. Its powerplant has a time-tested pedigree you may recognize.
工具预览: Triton推出了一个新的3.25马力固定基地路由器。它的动力装置有一个久经考验的血统,你可能会认识。
Hardworking Hardware: Rockler’s popular Lid-Stay Torsion Hinge Lid Supports are easy to install on a chest and provide helpful safety features for heavy lids. Learn how to install them here.
坚固的硬件: 罗克勒的流行盖停留扭转铰链盖支持很容易安装在胸部,并提供有益的安全功能沉重的盖子。了解如何安装它们。