With any luck, Fall 2021 will involve workers returning to corporate spaces and students to in-person classes, as the impact of the global pandemic lessens. Still, many of you may continue to work from home at least a few days each week. If you do, we’re sharing two very different options for standing desk projects in this issue. And if someone in your household sews, our Compact Sewing Cabinet might be just the ticket to enhance that home-based craft!


Tool Battery Charging Cabinet: Here’s an easy-to-build project that will help you stow a bunch of chargers and batteries and keep them ready for action, in one convenient place.

工具电池充电柜: 这里有一个容易建立的项目,将帮助您存放一堆充电器和电池,并让他们随时准备行动,在一个方便的地方。

Hexagon Tall Table: Sarah Listi, an up-and-coming social media influencer, builds a spacious table with Beadlock joints that’s tall enough to be a kitchen island or a standing desk.

六边形高桌: 萨拉·利斯蒂,一位崭露头角的社交媒体影响者,用珠锁关节建造了一张宽敞的桌子,高到足以成为厨房岛或站立式办公桌。

Sit/Stand Desk: Standing while working can be a healthy alternative to sitting at a desk for hours on end. This contemporary project will make both of those options viable.


Compact Sewing Cabinet: Rockler’s sewing machine lift hardware enhances the convenience of this fold-out, hard-working workstation.


Woodturning: Need to turn 6 ft spindles on a small lathe? It might seem impossible, but not if you incorporate mortise-and-tenon joints into the design. Ernie Conover explains how to do it.


Tool Tutorial: Personal Protective Equipment such as hearing protection or safety glasses doesn’t just keep you safer in the shop. It also can make your woodworking more pleasant. A.J. Hamler covers the range of PPE gear to keep in mind in this helpful primer.

工具教程: 听力保护或安全眼镜等个人防护设备不仅能让您在商店里更安全。它也可以使你的木工更愉快。Hamler涵盖了PPE装备的范围,在这个有帮助的初级读本中要记住。

Tool Preview: Laguna Tools has a brand-new benchtop planer! See how the PX|12 puts a new spin on carbide-insert cutterheads.

工具预览: 拉古纳工具有一个全新的台式刨床!了解PX|12提出了一个新的旋转硬质合金刀片刀盘。

Hardworking Woods: Thousands of acres of American chestnut trees in the eastern U.S. were lost to a devastating blight in the early 20th century. While those native stands are almost a forgotten memory, this phoenix of trees may one day rise from the ashes.

勤劳的树林: 20世纪初,美国东部数千英亩的美国板栗树被一场毁灭性的枯萎病夺去了。当那些原生的树林几乎成为被遗忘的记忆时,这只树木的凤凰可能有一天会从灰烬中复活。

Shop Talk: The Hardwood Forestry Fund is helping Minnesota’s DNR restore forests along the North Shore of Lake Superior. Read how a donation from Rockler is helping to make it happen.

商店谈话: 硬木林业基金会正在帮助明尼苏达州的DNR恢复上级湖沿着的森林。阅读罗克勒的捐赠是如何帮助实现这一目标的。

Buying Lumber: Just what does “green” lumber mean, and what in the world would you use it for? Learn why past and present woodworkers have found scores of uses for unseasoned wood.
