Worldwide, Bill Carter is one of the best-known and most highly-respected of planemakers, producing English mitre planes, inspired by traditional styles, but with his own innovations. Bill has now been added to planemaking’s hall of fame, and posts 100s of entertaining video blogs to inspire budding toolmakers and offer any woodworker tips and ideas.



  • Profile of “Hall of Fame” planemaker Bill Carter – “名人堂”手刨制造商比尔·卡特简介
  • A closer look at Bill & Sarah Carter’s videos and stills from their video, Making of a Mitre Plane – 近距离看看比尔和莎拉卡特的视频和视频中展示的技能,做一个斜接刨
  • Building a bespoke solid wooden carcase around Ikea rotating kitchen shelves by Martin Sturfält Martin Sturfält – 围绕宜家旋转厨房货架定制一个实木外壳
  • Reaching first for hand tools by Dennis Hiorns – 丹尼斯·海恩斯的手工具
  • Correcting the problems of digital inclinometers by Norman Billingham Norman – 纠正数字测斜仪(角度仪)的问题
  • Thank heaven I live in a forest of birch, an super-versatile wood, by David Godber – 感谢上帝,我生活在白桦林中,一种用途极广的木材,作者:大卫·戈贝尔
  • An appreciation of invisible, buried dowel joints by Robin Gates – 罗宾·盖茨对隐形的暗销接头的欣赏
  • Building a new woodworking studio and instruction center near Mt. Fuji, by Dylan Iwakuni – 在富士山附近创办一个木工工作室和指导中心
  • Visiting “The Carpenters’ Life: Woodworking Heritage in Hida Takayama” exhibit at London’s Japan House by Henrie van Rooij – 参观伦敦日本馆举行的「木匠生活: Hida Takayama 木工遗产」展览
  • Restoring a Per Nordlöw carpenter’s ax by Rasmus Pettersson Vik – 修复Per Nordlöw木匠用的斧头拉斯穆斯·彼得森·维克
  • A closer look at Anne of All Trades’ blogs and posts by Nick Gibbs – 仔细看看安妮的所有的博客和帖子由尼克吉布斯
  • Book review of Helen Chislett & David Linley’s Craft Britain: Why Making Matters – 书评:《英国工艺: 为什么重要》
  • Book excerpt from: Gary Rogowski’s Handmade: Creative Force in the Age of Distraction – 书籍节选自: Gary Rogowski 的《手工制作: 分心时代的创造力》
  • Crafting zig-zag wavy fasteners for an Iron-Age wooden bowl by Viv Walker – 为铁器时代的木碗制作锯齿形波浪形紧固件
  • Dealing with winter humidity in small workshops by Henrie van Rooij – Henrie van Rooij 关于冬天处理车间湿度的建议
  • Lessons learned as a woodworking school intern by Curtiss Carr – 作为木工学校实习生的经验教训
  • In praise of low tech, longer fence homemade scratchstocks by John Lloyd – 赞美低技术、更长靠山的自制刮刀
  • The three scrapers you need for difficult shaping and smoothing by Scott Wynn – 三个刮刀帮你做出不同的造型和光滑
  • Highlights from the Harrogate Northern Woodworking Show – 哈罗盖特北方木工展亮点
  • My tiny pocket chisel by Simon Grace -我的袖珍凿子
  • Parramore’s bold (but unfortunate) attempt to redesign the hand plane in 1960s Britain by Robin Gates – 在20世纪60年代大胆的尝试重新设计的手刨
  • The fun, useful and instructive aspects of hand plane wood waste by Charles Mak 手刨木废料的有趣、有用和有益的方面