The YouTube Maestro Rex Krueger shows how to make simple tools oneself, John Lloyd reveals his sawing secrets, and Scott Wynn chooses the three wooden planes you really need…



Table of Contents

  • Making simple tools using chisels as blades by Rex Kruger 雷克斯·克鲁格用凿子做刀片制作简单的工具
  • Chairmaking with hand tools by Brendan Strasburger 布兰登·斯特拉斯堡用手工工具制作椅子
  • Inclusive woodworking co-ops in Mexico by Katie Thompson 墨西哥包容性木工合作社Katie Thompson
  • John Brown chairs by Gerwyn Lewis 约翰·布朗主持格文·刘易斯
  • My attic workshop by Giorgio Nicodemo 我的阁楼工作室由乔治Nicodemo
  • Make your own tools by Barbara Robers 芭芭拉·罗伯斯制作自己的工具
  • Exploring Ernest Joyce’s backsaw grip by Robin Gates 罗宾·盖茨对欧内斯特·乔伊斯的后锯握法的探索
  • Long lasting joints by Jeff Lefkowitz 持久的关节由杰夫Lefkowitz
  • Surfacing planes by Scott Wynn 斯科特·韦恩的飞机表面
  • Carving Jogge Sundqvist tool hooks by Henrie van Rooij 雕刻慢跑Sundqvist工具钩由Henrie货车Rooij
  • Making ash tent pegs and beech tensioners by Robin Gates 罗宾·盖茨制作灰烬帐篷钉和山毛榉拉紧器
  • Sharpening a drawknife by Richard Wile 磨一把小刀理查德·威尔
  • Making a simple spooncarving knife by Doug Stowe 道格·斯托制作一把简单的调羹刀
  • Renovating wooden spokeshaves by Debs Hart Debs哈特的木质发言人
  • Pole lathe bowl turning by Michelle Mateo 杆车床碗车削米歇尔Mateo
  • Creative woodworking for youngsters by Pete Moorhouse Pete Moorhouse为青少年设计的创意木工
  • Secrets of hand sawing by John Lloyd 约翰·劳埃德手锯的秘密
  • Art or craft of engraving by Matt Lepper 马特·莱珀的雕刻艺术或工艺
  • Making tools to sell by Derek Jones Derek Jones制作销售工具
  • Comparing print and digital instructions by Nick Gibbs 比较印刷和数字指令由尼克吉布斯
  • Interview of Claire Minihan, travisher maker by Phoebe Everill 菲比·艾弗里尔对旅行者制造者克莱尔·米尼汉的采访