
This is a quarterly publication on the arts and crafts of handcrafted woodworking, featuring the voices of crafters and manufacturers from around the world. Named after the oak genus, the magazine highlights craftsmanship and design, woodworking techniques, tools and traditions spanning centuries.

在第一期杂志中,编辑尼克 · 吉布斯以娱乐的方式讲述了在法国一个以前的钓鱼小屋里远离电网的生活,并追溯了导致杂志成立的各种事件。约翰 · 梅耶斯的研究揭示了威科姆—- 伦敦附近的一个小镇—- 在18世纪对英国椅子制造业的重要性,詹姆斯 · 穆尔塞尔分析了温莎椅子相对于人形的形状。

In the first issue, editor Nick Gibbs entertains life off the grid in a former fishing lodge in France and traces the events that led to the magazine’s founding. Research by John Mayers reveals the importance of Wycombe, a small town near London, to the manufacture of chairs in 18th-century England, and James Mulsell analyzes the shape of the Windsor chair relative to the human figure.

德里克•琼斯(Derek Jones)鼓励人们依靠感官来建立自信和控制,而不是机械地改进锯切技术。 Dylan Iwakuni 反思了他在大阪神社大门上一丝不苟的工作所需的专注度。

Derek Jones encourages people to rely on their senses to build confidence and control, rather than mechanically improving sawing techniques. Dylan Iwakuni reflected on the concentration required for his meticulous work on the gate of Osaka Shrine.

巴恩 · 卡德尔讲述了他作为一个小贩,用一把刀和一把斧子用绿色的木头雕刻出勺子的日子,他欣赏普通人制作出来的漂亮物品,德鲁 · 兰斯纳描述了他设计和雕刻勺子的漫不经心的方法。

Barn Kader recounts his days as a vendor carving spoons out of green wood with a knife and an axe, admiring the beautiful objects ordinary people make, and Drew Lansner describes his casual approach to designing and carving spoons.

许多其他贡献者提供的内容广泛、信息量大的文章包括工具制造商比尔 · 卡特的简介、手工工具的来源、两个发言人的比较、工具包等等。


Table of Contents

  • A comparison of John Brown and John Makepeace chairs by David Savage 大卫·萨维奇对约翰·布朗和约翰·梅克皮斯椅子的比较
  • A study of vintage countersinks by Ethan Sincox, aka The Kilted Woodworker 伊桑·辛考克斯,又名《穿苏格兰裙的木工》对老式埋头钻的研究
  • Welsh Stick Chair models by Rudy Everts Rudy Everts制作的威尔士棍子椅模型
  • Memories of being a pedlar (peddler) by Barn Carder 《当小贩的回忆》作者:谷仓卡德
  • How to saw by Derek Jones 如何锯由德里克琼斯
  • Planing by hand by Dylan Iwakuni 岩国迪伦手工制作
  • Balancing IT work with spooncarving by Russell West Russell West的“用调羹平衡IT工作”
  • Making a replica of a Titanic handrail with vintage wooden tools by Richard Arnold 理查德·阿诺德用老式木制工具制作泰坦尼克号扶手的复制品
  • Why Wycombe became the heart of Britain’s chairmaking trade by John Mayes 为什么威科姆成为英国制椅业的中心
  • Tensioning a Backsaw by Mark Harrell 张紧背锯Mark Harrell
  • Reconditioning an old axe head by Sean Hellman 肖恩·赫尔曼修复旧斧头
  • Using a hand-powered ripsaw by Robin Gates 用罗宾·盖茨的手摇锯
  • Designing chair shapes by James Mursell 设计椅子的形状由詹姆斯默塞尔
  • How to use models to design chairs by Robert Turek 如何使用模型来设计椅子由罗伯特Turek
  • Carving an elm lamp by hand by Robin Gates 罗宾·盖茨手工雕刻榆树灯
  • Making spokeshaves from kits by John Lloyd 约翰·劳埃德用工具包制作发言人
  • Lockdown Challenge: Spooncarving 锁定挑战:调羹
  • Van Gogh replica chairs by Masashi Kutsuwa 货车复制椅由Masashi Kutsuwa设计
  • Swedish-inspired ladles by Drew Langsner Drew Langsner设计的瑞典风格勺子
  • Living off-grid at Le Shack, the Quercus French HQ, by Nick Gibbs 生活在离网在乐夏克,法国Quercus总部,由尼克吉布斯
  • Bill Carter’s Hut of 1000 planes 比尔·卡特的1000架飞机小屋
  • Greenwood tools made by hand 手工制作的绿色木制工具
  • Exploring the legacy of John Brown and Welsh stick chairs 探索约翰·布朗和威尔士手杖椅的遗产